Hints for modders

Hello fellow modder, here's a quick overview of what you probably wanna know about working with Nbt Crafting:

Setting up Nbt Crafting

To use Nbt Crafting you'll need to include it in your development environment. I currently recommend using jitpack.io as I don't have an own maven server yet.

To make use of the Jitpack repository you'll need to add it to the bottom of the repositories section in your build.gradle file. The result should like this:

repositories {
    // Here go other maven servers
    maven {
        name "jitpack"
        url "https://jitpack.io"

Then you'll need Gradle which dependency you need. I personally recommend adding Nbt Crafting as a modImplementation dependency:

dependencies {
    // Here are other dependencies like the minecraft and yarn version

    modImplementation "com.github.siphalor:nbt-crafting:1.15-SNAPSHOT"

Finally tell you're users that they'll need to download Nbt Crafting alongside this mod and add a "nbtcrafting": "*" entry to the depends list in your fabric.mod.json file.

Custom RecipeTypes

If you're adding custom RecipeTypes you should consider following these guidelines to ensure compatibility 🎉.