Nbt Merging

This page extends upon the syntax of simple dollars, by using the special $ key inside of data. If you're unfamiliar with that, you should go and understand the basic principles of dollars first.

This site first focuses on specific use cases and then later goes into deeper detail with the specification. You can jump to specific sections of this site in the navigation menu.


While the simple dollars are usually enough to calculate values for a few fields, they aren't able to model certain common recipe behaviors.

Merge dollars are an extension that allow to copy data from ingredients and selectively specify how conflicts like multiple enchantments should be handled.

An important thing to understand is, that the data object you specify is treated as the base where all the merges are applied to.

An example process to determine the result may be as following.

flowchart LR Base[result.data] --> MergeBase[Merge from base] MergeBase --> MergeIngredient[Merge from ingredient] MergeIngredient ==> Result

Copying data from a single source

The simplest case of a "merge" is to copy NBT data from a single source.
In vanilla Minecraft, an example for these kinds of recipes are smithing recipes, where all NBT data from the base ingredient is just directly copied over.

For example, a recipe upgrading an iron sword to a diamond sword could be written as following:

    "type": "nbtcrafting3:data",
    "recipe": {
        "type": "minecraft:crafting_shapeless",
        "ingredients": [
            { "item": "minecraft:iron_sword" },
            { "item": "diamond" },
            { "item": "diamond" }
        "result": {
            "item": "minecraft:diamond_sword",
            "data": {
                "$": "i0"

you may also add data to the sword by using additional keys besides the $ key. the next example recipe allows you to create an iron sword with a purple name. when using the recipe, echantments will be transferred but the name will always be replaced by the new one.

    "type": "nbtcrafting3:data",
    "recipe": {
        "type": "minecraft:crafting_shapeless",
        "ingredients": [
            { "item": "minecraft:iron_sword" },
            { "item": "minecraft:purple_dye" }
        "result": {
            "item": "minecraft:iron_sword",
            "data": {
                "$": "i0",
                "display": {
                    "Name": {
                        "text": "Purple-ish Iron Sword",
                        "color": "dark_purple",
                        "nbtcrafting3:stringify": true

Combining lists

soon you might get to a point where you want to combine some nbt lists. for our example we're gonna create a recipe that always appends the name of an item to the lore of another item.

Just specifying "Lore": [ "$ i0.display.Name" ] wouldn't work here, as this would just replace the lore completely.

There is an extended syntax of the merging that allows us to change this behavior for certain paths. The merge is no longer just a string, but an object with a value and a paths attribute.

While the former is just the same as our string previously, the latter is what allows us to change the merging.

The paths attribute is an object that uses paths as keys and a string with the name of the mrege mode we want as the value. In this case our path to the lore is display.Lore and we want the mode prepend. The example should illustrate the syntax:

    "type": "nbtcrafting3:data",
    "recipe": {
        "type": "minecraft:crafting_shapeless",
        "ingredients": [
            { "item": "minecraft:iron_sword" },
                "item": "minecraft:paper",
                "data": {
                    "require": { "display": { "Name": "" } }
        "result": {
            "item": "minecraft:iron_sword",
            "data": {
                "display": {
                    "Lore" : "$ [i1.display.Name]"
                "$": {
                    "value": "i0",
                    "paths": {
                        "display.Lore": "prepend"

Why prepend and not append?

When merging, we're considering our result.data object as base and i0 as the new data. So we're basically saying put the list from i0 in front of result.data.

Why "$ [ i0.display.Name ]" and not [ "$ i0.display.Name" ]?

While writing this documentation I found a bug where the latter version glitched out for some reason.

I was unable to find the cause of this, so for now you'll have to do it this way with lists of strings. Lists of objects seem to work fine though.

Apart from prepend, there are a bunch of other merge modes available, such as merge (the default), keep or append. The full explanation of these merge modes is available further down the page.

Combining lists without duplicates

The last section showed you how to combine lists. In practice, you often want to combine lists of Enchantments or AttributeModifiers.

For both of these cases you don't want to have duplicates in there. Enchantments are unique by their id and AttributeModifiers by their UUID.

To get this working in code, we need to step up our syntax even further. In the last section, we learned about specific merge modes. For this level of customization these standardized merge modes are not enough though.

Nbt Crafting v3 allows you to create your own kind of specialized merge functions using dollar expressions. To make use of these we'll just use a dollar as the first character of our merge mode.

This dollar expression will receive the variables base and addition, and should return a combined result. For our enchantment example we could use: $ distinct(combine(base, addition), e -> e.id).

Let's digest this bit by bit:

combine(base, addition):
This does nothing more than to simply append one list to the other.
e -> e.id:

This is a lambda expression that takes an element from the list, in this case an enchantment and returns it's id.

For {lvl: 2, id: "minecraft:sharpness"}, this would resolve to minecraft:sharpness


This is a function that filters duplicate items out of a list. The first argument is the list to filter, which in our case is the combined list.

The second argument is a lambda that tells the function how to determine equality. In this case, we use our lambda to tell distinct that it should distinguish enchantments by their id only.

Finally this is what our recipe could look like (this is a simplified version of the full enchantment example below):

    "type": "nbtcrafting3:data",
    "recipe": {
        "type" : "nbtcrafting3:anvil",
        "base" : {
            "item" : "minecraft:bow"
        "ingredient" : {
            "item" : "minecraft:arrow"
        "result" : {
            "item" : "minecraft:bow",
            "data" : {
                "$" : [
                        "value" : "base",
                        "paths" : {
                            "Enchantments" : "$ distinct(combine(base, addition), e -> e.id)"
                "Enchantments" : [
                    { "id" : "minecraft:infinity", "lvl" : 1 }
        "levels" : 3

Multiple sources

From time to time, we want to combine the NBT data from multiple ingredients. The syntax for this is actually pretty simple, as we just replace the object/string we previously used with an array of these elements.

Here's an example that allows you two combine two enchanted books (this simple example doesn't handle duplicates).

Broken recipe

At the time of writing this recipe doesn't work correctly, because Nbt Crafting fails to resolve the references correctly in crafting recipes with multiple of the same items. See #47 and #57.

    "type": "nbtcrafting3:data",
    "recipe": {
        "type": "minecraft:crafting_shapeless",
        "ingredients": [
                "item": "minecraft:enchanted_book"
                "item": "minecraft:enchanted_book"
        "result": {
            "item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
            "data": {
                "$": [
                    { "value": "i0" },
                        "value": "i1",
                        "paths": {
                            "StoredEnchantments": "append"

A note about Enchantments and StoredEnchantments

While both echanted gear and enchanted books use the same data format (id and lvl), the former use Enchantments and the latter StoredEnchantments.

This is a common source of confusion, so keep that in mind.

Mixing objects and strings

While the specification allows mixing objects with paths and simple strings together, the actual implementation currently doesn't support this due limitations with NBT lists.

Complex enchantment crafting

The following provides a more complete example of how you could implement adding one enchantment level per craft:

    "type": "nbtcrafting3:data",
    "recipe": {
        "type" : "nbtcrafting3:anvil",
        "base" : {
            "item" : "minecraft:bow",
            "data" : {
                "conditions" : [
                    "all(ifNull($?.Enchantments, []), e -> e.id != 'minecraft:punch' || e.lvl < 5)"
        "ingredient" : {
            "item" : "minecraft:iron_ingot"
        "result" : {
            "item" : "minecraft:bow",
            "data" : {
                "$" : [
                        "value" : "base",
                        "paths" : {
                            "Enchantments" : "$ distinct(combine(base, addition), e -> e.id)"
                "Enchantments" : [
                        "id" : "minecraft:punch",
                        "lvl" : "$ filter(base.Enchantments, e -> e.id == 'minecraft:punch')[0]?.lvl + 1"
        "levels" : 3


A merge dollar is identified by a $ key at any position of a data tag. The data from the merges will always be merged into the parent object of the $ tag.

The content of a dollar merge declaration is an array of merge entries. If there is only a single merge entry, the list may be omitted and the entry can be specified directly.

A merge entry is an object consisting of a value and optionally a paths tag:

The value tag is a dollar expression without a leading dollar. It may reference any of the ingredients and may return arbitrary data, except null.

paths: The paths tag is an object of paths specified in the keys that map to merge modes. The paths may either be simple JSON paths (with dots for object access and brackets for list access) or may be regular expressions.
In case of regular expressions they must both begin and end with a forward slash (/). Pay attention that you'll have to escape backslashes and quotes inside of the JSON string.

Merge modes

The supported built-in merge modes are (with B being the base and A being the addition):

Mode General behavior Object behavior List behavior
merge A, if B doesn't exist, otherwise B Recurses into the object Recurses into the list, comparing indexes directly
keep A, if B doesn't exist, otherwise B - -
overwrite A (removes B if it doesn't exist) - -
update A, if B exists, otherwise nothing - -
preprend A, if B doesn't exist, otherwise B - Puts the elements of A in front of B
append A, if B doesn't exist, otherwise B - Puts the elements of A after B

Custom merge modes

Custom merge modes may be specified by beginning the merge mode with a dollar ($). The following dollar expression will be evaluated with the variables base and addition.

Returning null will remove the value from the parent object.