

As of Nbt Crafting v3, the features described here are gated behind the nbtcrafting3:data recipe type. This means that you have to use this recipe type for all recipes that use the features described here.

Dollars are a technology which allows you to use simple mathematical expressions when applying data.


In your recipe output's and recipe remainder's data objects you may use dollar notation on every property.

Dollars are noted as string values on your desired attributes:

"data": {
    "Damage": "$ ...",
    "other": "normal value"

A dollar is a mathematical expression with +, -, * and / operators as well as parentheses supported.

Data Types

Since version 2.0 Dollars are data type aware.

Existing data types are:


Be careful when dividing numbers in dollars. 5 / 2 would normally resolve to 2 because whole number division would be used. 5.0 / 2 would instead to resolve to the possibly wanted 2.5.


A key feature of dollars is referencing the nbt data of ingredients. This can be done by referencing the ingredient with it's id. The id depends on the type of the recipe - a lot of the recipe types use base and ingredient for the respective ingredients. Shaped and shapeless recipes are a notable exception to this (As they have more than two ingredients, lol).

A full list of all reference ids for the recipe types can be found here.



All operators, ordered by precedence:

Operator Description Example
. and .? Compound child access base.Damage
[0] List element access list[0]
# Type casting (5.0/2.0)#i=2
- (unary) Negates the value -5=-5
+ (unary) Casts to number (same as #n) +"5"=5
! (unary) Casts to boolean and inverts !true=false
/ Division 7/2.0=3.5
* Multiplication 2*3=6
- Subtraction 2-3=-1
+ Addition 2+3=5
== and != Equality 5 == 5, 3 != 5
<, <=, > and >= Comparison 5 < 6, 5 <= 5, 6 > 5, 5 >= 5
&& Logical AND true && false
|| Logical OR true || false
?...: Conditions 1?"true":"false"="true"

Compound child access

Used to access a value with a known name. Also see the similar list access operator.

Based on the following nbt you could use bla.bla.test to access the value 123:

    "bla": {
        "bla": {
            "test": 123

The default operator (.) will throw an error if the left side is not a compound. The coalescing operator (.?) will return null if the left side is not a compound.

Performing element access on a stack will resolve to the element on the stack's NBT data.

List element access

Like compound child operators you can use square brackets to access anything in a list/object.

The typical usage is to provide a number (e.g. [1]) to access the elements of a list. In the following nbt you could access the string "giraffe" using the dollar expression animals[0].name:

    "animals": [
        { "name": "dog", "sound": "woof" },
        { "name": "giraffe", "sound": "slurp" },
        { "name": "pig", "sound": "oink" }

You can also give it a string or even pump in an expression that evaluates to a string to access properties like with the list access operator. The important difference is that with this operator you can dynamically access values where-as the .-operator is based on a hard name.

Performing element access on a stack will resolve to the element on the stack's NBT data.

Type casting

Used to convert between data types.

Usage is like <value>#<type-id> where <type-id> is one of the following:

Cut decimals of number:

(5.0 / 2.0)#i

Convert number to string:


Arithmetic operators

There is not too much to say about arithmetic operators with numbers. They basically work as you would expect. One thing to know is that concerning data types, they'll always chose the biggest data type provided to the operator (3 + 4.0 = 7.0).

Where it gets interesting is using arithmetic operators for string operations:


When checking for equality, the following rules apply:


When comparing values, both values must be numeric.


Like in many programming languages, dollars support the well known and loved ternary operator.

The ternary operator, or condition operator, consists of two symbols and three expression around them.

A ? B : C

It basically checks whether A is true or anything near true (mostly anything that isn't zero or empty). Based on that the whole expression evaluates either to B or C.

Dollar functions

There is a selection of predefined functions that can be used in dollar expressions. There is also support for defining anonymous functions using lambdas. These features are documented on their own page.

Nbt merging/inheriting

This part was former part of this page but because I largely expanded it I decided to give it it's own page. See Nbt merging.

Dynamic stack count

See experimental features.


The following provides a way of slowly converting a wooden sword to sticks via dollars and recipe remainders.

    "type": "nbtcrafting3:data",
    "recipe": {
        "type": "crafting_shapeless",
        "ingredients": [
                "item": "minecraft:wooden_sword",
                "remainder": {
                    "item": "minecraft:wooden_sword",
                    "data": {
                        "Damage": "$ i0.Damage + 2"
        "result": { "item": "minecraft:stick" }