Dollar References


As of Nbt Crafting v3, the features described here are gated behind the nbtcrafting3:data recipe type. This means that you have to use this recipe type for all recipes that use the features described here.

Dollar references are used to copy the nbt data of recipe ingredients completely or partially to the target of the dollar expression.

A reference is used by specifying the ingredient id inside of an expression. To only get a part of some nbt data you can use dollar operators to navigate through compounds or lists.

The main purpose of this site is to collect all ingredient ids for the various recipe types.

Recipe Type Ingredients Ingredient ids
Shaped Recipe List of ingredients iX where X is the index of the ingredient in the pattern
Shapeless Recipe List of ingredients iX where X is the index of the ingredient in file
Cooking Recipes The ingredient this
Stonecutting Recipes
Anvil Recipes A base and an ingredient base and ingredient accordingly
Brewing Recipes
Cauldron Recipes
Smithing Recipes